Data Grid

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Data Grid

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Data Gird used to create a presentation for data.





It can display in Tabular or Form view. Here are some steps to create a data grid



$Grid = App::Module('DataGrid');


This is first instance of Data Grid created in $Gird variable.


Grid Type:

Display type can set like below.
Form Listing:
Tabular Listing


Header Footer:

Header footer used for Tabular Listing only.

  array('Col Head 1','Col Head 2','Col Head 3', ... ,'Col Head N')

For example:
  array('#','Author', 'Comments', 'Post','Status','Options')


In same way we can set footer. A footer can take Array or String value to display at the bottom of the Grid.  Like
$Grid->setFooter('This is my footer');


Most commonly we set Pagination data in footer like below:
// This variable we get form Paging() function in Model or InformaitonSet


Clear data:
If we use two data grid in same page then previously initialized data carry forward in new grid. Clear() method used to reset those values.
We call it beforeinitialization:

Set Body

addRow is a method that used to create new row in the data grid.
From View:
For Form View we always set two entry Title and Value. Like:
$Grid->addRow('Name','Jhon Regan')


We also can set Html elements like:



Tabular View:
We set multiple entry for a tabular view. Like

$Grid->addRow('Cell 1','Cell 2','Cell 3' ... 'Cell N')


For example:
$Grid->addRow('Jhon Ragan','','29','$5000')



After all these initialization we call render function to display the data grid. Like


Delete Buttons

We can delete row for Model and InformationSet,CategorySet,Model. The operation execute by AjAX. All these functions are available in Grid Row Addons.

Delete Model Data
Link Format: <a href="#" class="link_delete" title="[MODEL]_[id]">Delete</a>

Example 1: <a href="#" class="link_delete" title="Order_5">Delete</a>
Example 2:









       array('id'=>"Order_{$val['id']}",'class'=>'link_delete icon', 'title'=>'Order_' . $val['id'])


Delete InformationSet Data
Link Format: <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="deleteinformatonset" title="[InformationSet Name],[InformationSetID]" >Delete</a>
Example 1: <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="deleteinformatonset" title="product,5" >Delete</a>

Example 1: <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="deleteinformatonset" title="'. $type . ',' . $val['id'] . '" >Delete</a>
Delete Batch Data
We can delete a batch of data and check/uncheck check box in each row. Here are the below steps to create batch delete operation.

1.Create a top check box to select/deselect all check box it the page. We can create it by a CSS class "checkall" in a Checkbox. Generatly we create this check box in header of the the Data Grid. See below example:
<input type="checkbox" id="checkall" />
Or $this->get_tag('input',array('type'=>'checkbox','id'=>'checkall','class'=>"checkall"))

2.Create Check box for each row with CSS class "checkrow".We create it in first column of DataGrid See below example
<input type="checkbox" value="5" class="checkrow" />
or $this->get_tag('input',array('type'=>'checkbox','value'=>"{$comment['id']}","class"=>"checkrow"))

3.Create delete button in Tool Bar.
For model : setBtnDelete(Array("id"=>"{'mode':'Comment'}"))
For InformationSet : setBtnDelete(array("id"=>"{'mode':'informationset,product'}")) // Product is InformationSet Type


Grid Example:
Generally we pass it in a foreach loop to display data.
$Grid = App::Module('DataGrid');
$Grid->setHeader(array($this->get_tag('input',array('type'=>'checkbox','id'=>'checkall','class'=>"checkall")),'#','Author', 'Comments', 'Post','Status'));
foreach($comments['data'] as $key => $comment)
       (($comments["page"] - 1) * App::Helper('Config')->siteInfo('default_pagination') + $key + 1),

Example 2:
Display a form view with HTML element

    ->addRow('Name',App::load("Helper/Html")->inputTag("data[BlogComment][name]",$comment['name'],array("id"=>"f_name","class"=>"app_input check_notempty")) )
    ->addRow('Email Address',App::load("Helper/Html")->inputTag("data[BlogComment][email]",$comment['email'],array("id"=>"f_name","class"=>"app_input check_notempty")) )
    ->addRow('Comments',App::load("Helper/Html")->textareaTag("data[BlogComment][comment]",$comment['comment'],array("class"=>"app_input check_notempty richtexteditor")) )
    ->addRow('Website',App::load("Helper/Html")->inputTag("data[BlogComment][website]",$comment['website'],array("class"=>"app_input")) )
    ->addRow('Submit On',App::load("Helper/Html")->dateTimeTag("data[BlogComment][dated]",$comment['dated']) )