This tag helps to link two informationSet. Basically we can create a inputbox to select data from other InformationSet. The input box can be a Drop Down, Radio Button, Check Box etc. See below example:
<field name="shippingcountry">
<title>Country </title>
<err-message>Please select a country</err-message>
<parameter name="information_type">country</parameter>
<parameter name="key">id</parameter>
<parameter name="val">title</parameter>
<parameter name="inputType">selectTag</parameter>
<attribute name="id">shippingcountry</attribute>
For InformationSet we pass some parameter:
information_type: This parameter is the name ofInformationSet that we want to call.
key: Field name used as value of Input filed
val: Lable of the field in HTML Input box
inputType: Type of input to render in Interface.