Model Class

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Model Class

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Each Model has a class to maintain the connection. Generally we creates all model class in below location:


Each model as a Name that we used in class name as well as save in a member variable. Model class always extends appRain_Base_Model. See below example

// Model Name : page
// Class Name: pageModel
class pageModel extends appRain_Base_Model
  public $name = "Page";


Model Version and Table Name is a vital entity to work with database. Assign false in $db_table if there is no database table to set. We save these values in below variables
public $version = "0.1.0";
public $name = "Page";
public $db_table = "pages";


A model can validate field data before we save. All validation role saved in below variable:
protected $model_validation = Array();


Model class can contain call back functions to execute on diffident event



Example of a Model: 
class pageModel extends appRain_Base_Model
    public $version = "0.1.0";
    public $name = "Page";
    public $db_table = "pages"// Assign false if there is not table to set. 
    public $model_validation = Array();
    public function _beforeSave($Model){
    public function _afterSave($Model){
    public function _onValidationSuccess($Model){
    public function _onValidationFailed($Model){